Maryland IEP Timeline
When will your child’s IEP be developed? When should updated evaluations of your child be conducted? Find answers to your questions about the timeline of the IEP process using PPMD’s Maryland IEP Timeline.
Model Letters
To make sure your requests, concerns and/or questions are understood, it is important to document them in writing. PPMD has a new resource that parents can use for specific requests and situations. Use these samples letters as models when you write your own.
Discussing a Problem
Requesting a Due Process Hearing
Request a Meeting to Review Your Child's IEP
Requesting a Change in Your Child's Placement
Requesting an Independent Evaluation of Your Child
Requesting an Initial Evaluation For Special Education Services
Requesting Mediation
Requesting Prior Written Notice
Requesting Your Child's Records
Filing a Complaint with the State Education Agency
Requesting a Section 504 Plan
Request a Meeting to Review Your Child’s Progress -Letter
Requesting a Functional Behavior Assessment

Maryland Medicaid Home and Community-Based Long Term Care Services
This guide describes the range of home and community-based services available through Medicaid and can help consumers, families, and health care professionals make informed decisions about long-term care services.