Lista de control del IEP para padres de estudiantes con las discapacidades cognitivas más significativas
Tags: iep, Lista
Appendix A: Participation Criteria and Checklist
Sopa de letras: Una guía de siglas de educación especial
Maryland Statewide Individualized Education Program (IEP) Process Guide
Cronograma del IEP de Maryland de PPMD
Preparándose para una reunión del IEP: Hoja de trabajo para la reunión de padres
Preparándose para la reunión del IEP de su hijo
MSDE Technical Assistance Bulletin: Extended School Year Services
Maryland IEP Form

See the most up to date Maryland Individualized Education Program (IEP) form here!

Metas inteligentes (S.M.A.R.T. IEPs)
Children Parentally-Placed in a Private School
Preparing for Your Child’s IEP Meeting
S.M.A.R.T. IEP Goals: Questions to Consider

It is important for IEP goals to be measurable, specific, realistic and attainable. This factsheet explains and provides examples of SMART IEP goals.

Resource: PDF S.M.A.R.T. IEP Goals: Questions to Consider
IEP Facilitation

When IEP teams think a conversation may be difficult, it may be helpful to have an independent, trained facilitator guide the process. The facilitator is an impartial person provided by MSDE through an independent agency to work with a student’s IEP team. Learn more about IEP Facilitation with this factsheet!

Resource: PDF
Preparing for an IEP Meeting: Parent Meeting Worksheet

A Worksheet to help you state your concerns and make sure they are addressed at the IEP meeting. Helps you to articulate the justification behind your concerns, capture the replies and reasons for that reply.

Resource: PDF Parent Meeting Worksheet PDF Example of how to use the Parent Meeting Worksheet
Cartas Modelo

Para asegurarse de que se comprendan sus solicitudes, inquietudes y / o preguntas, es importante documentarlas por escrito. PPMD tiene un nuevo recurso que los padres pueden usar para solicitudes y situaciones específicas. Utilice estas cartas de muestra como modelos cuando escriba las suyas propias.

Resource: PDF Cómo solicitar una notificación previa por escrito PDF Cómo Solicitar una Evaluación Independiente de Su Niño PDF Cómo Informar a la Escuela de que Ud. Tiene la Intención de Matricular a su Hijo en una Escuela Privada al Costo del Público PDF Cómo Solicitar los Expedientes Escolares de Su Niño PDF Cómo Solicitar un Cambio de Ubicación PDF Cómo Solicitar una Evaluación de Su Niño PDF Cómo Solicitar que Se Revise el IEP de Su Niño PDF Cómo Solicitar la Mediación
Specially Designed Instruction with Maryland State Department of Education Division of Early Intervention and Special Education Services

Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) for students with disabilities is made up of unique supports and services that are included with the Individual Education Program (IEP) to enable them to access and make progress in general education. SDI may not be the same for every student. It is created to suit each student’s individual needs. Learn about SDI with this video in collaboration with the Maryland State Department of Education Division of Early Intervention and Special Education Services.

Resource: PPMD Webinar Specially Designed Instruction w/ MSDE Division of Early Intervention and Special Education Services
Parent’s Guide to Compensatory Education and Recovery Services

MD State Department of Education created a guide to help families understand what Compensatory Education and Recovery Services is, how the process works, and the steps that families can take if a family has questions or disagrees with the school.

Resource: PDF
Nivel actual de logros académicosy desempeño funcional (PLAAFP)

A menudo nos preguntan durante una reunión del IEP “¿Cuál es el nivel actual de su hijo? PLAAFP? ” ¿Sabes lo que significa este acrónimo? Utilice este recurso para ayudarlo a responder y contribuir a la conversación.

Resource: PDF
formulario para recopilar datos sobre el aprendizaje

Utilice este formulario para recopilar datos sobre el aprendizaje de su hijo durante el aprendizaje virtual / remoto / a distancia. Después de completar el formulario, debe compartirlo con el IEP o el equipo 504 de su hijo.

Resource: PDF formulario para recopilar datos sobre el aprendizaje
Recopilación de datos en casa

¿Cómo saber si su hijo está cumpliendo con las metas del IEP? ¿Cómo se pueden recopilar datos en casa? Utilice las preguntas y sugerencias adjuntas para ayudarlo.

Resource: PDF Recopilación de datos en casa
Collecting Data at Home

How do you know if  your child is meeting their IEP goals?  How can you collect data at home? Use the questions and suggestions attached to help you.

Resource: PDF Collecting Data at Home
IEP Checklist for Parents of Students with the Most Significant Cognitive Disabilities

Don’t know what to ask at an IEP meeting? This checklist provides some ideas for preparing for your IEP meeting to best support your child with the most significant cognitive disabilities and asking for inclusive practices.

Resource: PDF IEP Checklist for Parents of Students with the Most Significant Cognitive Disabilities
Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance- PLAAFP

We are often asked during an IEP meeting “What is your child’s present level? PLAAFP?”  Do you know what this acronym means? Use this resource to help you answer and contribute to the conversation.

Resource: PDF Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance- PLAAFP
Maryland Procedural Safeguards Notice

This notice includes an explanation of parental rights for children receiving services through an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) or an Individualized Education Program (IEP).

Resource: PDF Maryland Procedural Safeguards Notice

Desde el 1 de julio de 2019, Maryland promulgó una ley que ayuda a los padres a prepararse y participar en las reuniones del Plan de educación individualizado (IEP) de sus hijos.

Dispute Resolution

PPMD has created this image to help you understand your available dispute resolution options.

Resource: PDF Dispute Resolution
Maryland IEP Timeline

When will your child’s IEP be developed? When should updated evaluations of your child be conducted? Find answers to your questions about the timeline of the IEP process using PPMD’s Maryland IEP Timeline.

Resource: PDF Maryland IEP Timeline
Model Letters

To make sure your requests, concerns and/or questions are understood, it is important to document them in writing. PPMD has a new resource that parents can use for specific requests and situations. Use these samples letters as models when you write your own.

Resource: PDF Discussing a Problem PDF Requesting a Due Process Hearing PDF Request a Meeting to Review Your Child's IEP PDF Requesting a Change in Your Child's Placement PDF Requesting an Independent Evaluation of Your Child PDF Requesting an Initial Evaluation For Special Education Services PDF Requesting Mediation PDF Requesting Prior Written Notice PDF Requesting Your Child's Records PDF Filing a Complaint with the State Education Agency PDF Requesting a Section 504 Plan PDF Request a Meeting to Review Your Child’s Progress -Letter PDF Requesting a Functional Behavior Assessment
Educación Pública Gratuitita y Apropiada (FAPE, por sus siglas en ingles)

Bajo la Ley de Educación para Individuos con Discapacidades (IDEA), las escuelas públicas
están obligadas a proporcionar a cada estudiante que tiene un Programa de Educación
Individualizado (IEP) una Educación Pública Gratuita y Apropiada (Free and Appropriate
Public Education).

Resource: PDF Educación Pública Gratuitita y Apropiada (FAPE, por sus siglas en ingles)
Factores especiales en el desarrollo del IEP

La Ley de Educación para Personas con Discapacidades (IDEA) enumera cinco factores especiales que el
equipo del IEP de su hijo debe considerar al desarrollar el IEP de su hijo.

Resource: PDF Factores especiales en el desarrollo del IEP
5 Special Factors in IEP Development

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) lists five special factors that your child’s IEP team must consider while developing your child’s IEP. Use this factsheet to learn about these five special factors.

Resource: PDF 5 Special Factors in IEP Development PDF Factores especiales en el desarrollo del IEP
Free Appropriate Public Education

Use this factsheet to understand what it means to truly have Free and Appropriate Public Education.

Resource: PDF Free Appropriate Public Education PDF Educación Pública Gratuititay Apropiada (FAPE, por sus siglas en ingles)
School Policy vs. IDEA

School has started which means there are many policies and guidance being sent. Here is a quick one-pager to remind you of the importance of your child’s IEP.

Resource: PDF School Policy vs. IDEA PDF Política Escolar vs. IDEA
Parent Tips for a Virtual IEP Meeting

IEP meetings will still be held despite not being able to meet in person. Read these tips on how to prepare and take part in a virtual IEP meeting.

Resource: PDF Parent Tips for a Virtual IEP Meeting PDF Consejos Para Padres Para Reuniones Virtuales de IEP
IDEA Dispute Resolution Guides from CADRE

CADRE’s IDEA Dispute Resolution Parent Guides inform parents about their dispute resolution rights and options. These Parent Guides now have companion videos. The videos include:  IEP Facilitation, Mediation, Written State Complaints, and Due Process.

Resource: URL CADRE IDEA Dispute Resolution Parent Guides
Navigating the Special Education System Guide

Created by the Organization for Autism Research, this special education guide is designed to give each family the information and tools needed to successfully navigate the education system anywhere in the country.


Resource: URL Navigating Special Education
Extended Early Intervention Services

This fact sheet informs families about extending services from age 3 until kindergarten, through an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP).

Resource: PDF Extended Early Intervention Services
What Is The 5-day Rule and How Does It Affect Me?

This resource explains Maryland’s 5-Day Rule, a law that enables parents to prepare and participate in their child’s IEP.

Resource: PDF What Is The 5-day Rule and How Does It Affect Me? PDF ¿CUÁL ES LA REGLA DE LOS 5 DÍAS? ¿Y CÓMO ME AFECTA?
IEP Meeting Tips

Parents are equal members of the IEP team. Finding ways to effectively advocate for your child during IEP meetings can be difficult. These tips will help prepare you for your next meeting.

Resource: PDF IEP Meeting Tips
The Role of School Nurses in Transition Planning

The nurse can be a vital member of the IEP team. This short video explains their role in the development of the IEP.

Resource: PPMD Webinar The Role of School Nurses in Transition Planning

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