Guiding Principles of Collaborative Advocacy
Guide to School for Families of English Learners
Construyendo independencia
Self-Care Resources
Watch this PPMD webinar for helpful tips about taking care of yourself during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Use these companion tip sheets and resources.

PPMD 30th Anniversary Open Houses
Learn about the various services PPMD has to offer and who PPMD is based on the following categories:
- Early Childhood
- Spanish Speaking Families
- History of PPMD
- Transition
- School Age Children
Beneficios de la participación familiar efectiva Para estudiantes, padres y educadores
Instrucción especialmente diseñada o Specially Designed Instruction en inglés (SDI)
SDI para un estudiante toma en consideración las necesidades únicas del estudiante e incluye instrucción intensiva, adaptaciones, ayudas y servicios suplementarios, modificaciones del programa y apoyo del personal.
Desde el 1 de julio de 2019, Maryland promulgó una ley que ayuda a los padres a prepararse y participar en las reuniones del Plan de educación individualizado (IEP) de sus hijos.
Reunión Virtuales Empesando
Este recurso es presentado por Maryland DD Council.
10 Consejos Principales Como Navegar la Educación Especial Durante COVID-19
Benefits of Effective Family Engagement: For Students, Parents, and Educators
This factsheet provides examples of the benefits of effective family engagement in three categories: benefits for students, benefits for parents, and benefits for educators.
5 Special Factors in IEP Development
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) lists five special factors that your child’s IEP team must consider while developing your child’s IEP. Use this factsheet to learn about these five special factors.
Common Accommodations and Modifications in School
There are many ways teachers can help kids who are struggling in school. Here are some
common accommodations and modifications that schools and families can discuss as possible options for kids.
Homeschooling, Home & Hospital Instruction, Remote Learning… What Do They All Mean?!
Understanding terms is important. Use this factsheet to understand the difference between home school, home and hospital instruction, and remote learning.
Free Appropriate Public Education
Use this factsheet to understand what it means to truly have Free and Appropriate Public Education.
School Policy vs. IDEA
School has started which means there are many policies and guidance being sent. Here is a quick one-pager to remind you of the importance of your child’s IEP.
Specially Designed Instruction Is and Is Not
Use this guide to understand what is and what isn’t Specially Designed Instruction (SDI).
Questions to Ask Your Child’s School Team for Support with Behaviors
PPMD collaborated with TIES Center to bring you a factsheet that will help you ask questions to your child’s school team to support your child’s behaviors at home during distance learning.
Resources for the Rare Disease Community
The following fact sheet was adapted from the webinar, “A Rare Response: Addressing the COVID-19 Pandemic” sponsored by National Organization for Rare Diseases (NORD) on March 31, 2020
IDEA Dispute Resolution Guides from CADRE
CADRE’s IDEA Dispute Resolution Parent Guides inform parents about their dispute resolution rights and options. These Parent Guides now have companion videos. The videos include: IEP Facilitation, Mediation, Written State Complaints, and Due Process.
CDC’s Milestone Moments Booklet
The Milestone Moments booklet includes full milestone checklists for all domains of early development. It covers ages 2 months through 5 years and matches the recommended ages for well-child visits. It includes age-appropriate activities that a parent can use at home to engage their child and encourage development.
Concerned about Development: How to Get Help for Your Child Tip Sheet
CDC Tip Sheet for parents of children 0-5 who may have concerns about development.
Baby’s Busy Day-Being One is So Much Fun
Baby’s Busy Day is a CDC children’s book that helps parents learn what one-year-old milestones to look for in their baby and provides them with tips on how they can help.
Where is Bear? A Terrific Tale for 2-Year-Olds
Where is Bear? is a CDC children’s book that teaches parents developmental milestones as they read to their child. It includes milestones for two-year-olds, warning signs of delay, and tips on how parents can support their child’s development.
Amazing Me-It’s Busy Being 3!
Amazing Me is a CDC children’s book for ages 2-3 that teaches parents developmental milestones as they read to their child. It includes milestones for three-year-olds, warning signs of delay, and tips on how parents can support their child’s development.