Self-Care Resources
Watch this PPMD webinar for helpful tips about taking care of yourself during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Use these companion tip sheets and resources.

Telehealth: What is it and Why is it Important?
Watch this webinar to learn the importance of Telehealth from PPMD and Dr. Debbie Badawi from the University of Maryland Department of Pediatrics.
Are You Connected?
Watch this webinar to learn about data, cellular, broadband, what it means to be connected, and more you need to know as our world continues to work virtually.
Benefits of Telehealth and Telemedicine
The presence of telehealth and telemedicine is here to stay. Watch this webinar to learn about the benefits of telehealth and telemedicine on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.
MSDE TAB Supplement to #20-09: Tips to Address Special Education Staff Shortages, Scheduling, and Logistical Challenges Across Varied Service Delivery Models
Maryland State Department of Education Technical Assistance Bulletin: Tips to Address Special Education Staff Shortages, Scheduling, and Logistical Challenges Across Varied Service Delivery Models
10 Consejos Principales Como Navegar la Educación Especial Durante COVID-19
Homeschooling, Home & Hospital Instruction, Remote Learning… What Do They All Mean?!
Understanding terms is important. Use this factsheet to understand the difference between home school, home and hospital instruction, and remote learning.
School Policy vs. IDEA
School has started which means there are many policies and guidance being sent. Here is a quick one-pager to remind you of the importance of your child’s IEP.
MSDE TAB: Home and Hospital Teaching Supplement on Students with Disabilities
View the Maryland State Department of Education’s Technical Assistance Bulletin on Home and Hospital Teaching. This document answers frequently asked questions, that you may have, about about Home and Hospital Teaching.
Resources for the Rare Disease Community
The following fact sheet was adapted from the webinar, “A Rare Response: Addressing the COVID-19 Pandemic” sponsored by National Organization for Rare Diseases (NORD) on March 31, 2020