Student Employment Services
Pre-Employment Transition Services for Students with Disabilities
Self-Care Resources
Watch this PPMD webinar for helpful tips about taking care of yourself during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Use these companion tip sheets and resources.

Specially Designed Instruction with Maryland State Department of Education Division of Early Intervention and Special Education Services
Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) for students with disabilities is made up of unique supports and services that are included with the Individual Education Program (IEP) to enable them to access and make progress in general education. SDI may not be the same for every student. It is created to suit each student’s individual needs. Learn about SDI with this video in collaboration with the Maryland State Department of Education Division of Early Intervention and Special Education Services.
Learning Occurs Naturally
Learn from PPMD’s Early Childhood team about how young children learn naturally in their environment.
Supported Decision-Making for People with Disabilities
Watch this webinar on Supported Decision Making for People with Disabilities is presented by Megan Rusciano, Esq. from Disability Rights Maryland. Also find related resources.
Supported Decision Making for People with Disabilities
Watch this webinar on Supported Decision Making for People with Disabilities presented by Yetta Myrick, PPMD’s Health Information and Communications Specialist, sponsored by the Maryland Hub for Inclusive Higher Education. Also find related resources below.
Health Care Transition Webinar
Watch PPMD’s Health Care Transition webinar here to learn about the process of moving a child to an adult model of health care. Be sure to check out our companion factsheet for more Health Care Transition resources.
Sexuality and Developmental Disabilities
Watch our webinar about Sexuality and Developmental Disabilities to learn about the importance of discussing sexuality, comprehensive sex education, sexual development, and more with your children and adolescents.
Transition in Maryland – 5 Tips for Families
Its Back to School Time! During this time of COVID when so many parents are figuring out and doing a great job around virtual learning, others are also thinking about transition. Transition planning is as important as reading and math. It is important for you, as the family of a student with a disability, to actively participate and partner in the transition planning process. In this video, we will provide you with Five helpful tips for developing a strong transition plan that will help your student with disabilities achieve their greatest potential. For questions about transition please contact The Parents’ Place of Maryland at 1-800-394-5694.
GOT Transition Webinar Healthcare Webinar & Companion Fact Sheet
Watch this PPMD webinar with GOT Transition for helpful resources on healthcare transition for your youth on PPMD’s YouTube channel, it includes the exciting new Health Care Transition Readiness Assessment for Students with an IEP! Use this companion fact sheet for all the helpful links.
The Role of School Nurses in Transition Planning
The nurse can be a vital member of the IEP team. This short video explains their role in the development of the IEP.
Estate Planning for Special Needs
This PPMD webinar, featuring Stephen Elville, covered basic estate planning, universal concepts about leaving assets and financial and tax planning aspects of special needs planning.
Putting it all Together Planning Financially for Special Needs
In this PPMD webinar, Eric Jorgensen dicussed ABLE accounts and Special Needs Trusts and how they can work together as well as First & Third Party Trusts.
Guardianship and Alternatives
In this PPMD webinar, guest speaker Stephen Elville discussed benefits and drawbacks of guardianship, alternatives to guardianship and the questions every family should ask before making the decision to pursue guardianship.
Maryland ABLE Informational Webinar
ABLE accounts allow individuals who receive benefits to maintain those benefits while building assets in a tax advantaged account. This session will provide an overview of the ABLE Act, a look at the features and specifications of the Maryland ABLE plan, information on treatment of account funds, and an opportunity for questions and answers.
Special Needs Trusts and ABLE Accounts
In this PPMD webinar, guest speaker Mr. Stephen Elville discussed Special Needs Trusts and ABLE Accounts, the benefits and drawbacks of both and what are the questions every family should ask before opening these accounts.
Alternatives to Guardianship Supported Decision Making
Morgan Whitlatch joined us for this PPMD webinar to discuss practical alternatives to guardianship particularly supported decision-making, a way people can make their own decisions and stay in charge of their lives, while receiving any help they need to do so.
Described and Captioned Media Program
The Described and Captioned Media Program provides premium media designed for students with disabilities and leads as a resource for families and teachers, supported by the Department of Education