Guiding Principles of Collaborative Advocacy
Toma de decisiones con apoyo para jóvenes y adultos con discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo
Recursos financieros para familias de militares
Servicios de intervención temprana: Proceso de Plan de Servicio Familiar Individualizado (IFSP)
Lista de control del IEP para padres de estudiantes con las discapacidades cognitivas más significativas
Individualized Assessments for Students with Disabilities in Postsecondary Education
Reducing Exclusionary Practices
Discipline at School
Niños colocados por sus padres en una escuela privada
Parents’ Guide to Habilitative Services
Success for all Students in the General Education Classroom – A Guide for Inclusive Practices
Supported Decision-Making for Youth and Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD)
Appendix A: Participation Criteria and Checklist
Glosario de términos de lectura
Glosario de términos de transición
Tecnología de asistencia
Glosario de términos de comportamiento
Assistive Technology
Well Visit Planner
Toma de decisiones con apoyo
Supported Decision-Making
Period Education Guide
IEP: Consejos para la sección de transición
Autodeterminación & Autodefensa
Cumpliendo 18 años en Maryland
Empodere SU futuro: ¡Únase a SU reunión de IEP!
Sopa de letras: Una guía de siglas de educación especial
The Post Secondary Transition Podcast Featuring PPMD’s Audri Levering
Wandering and Elopement Resources
Wandering and Elopement Resources
Glossary of Reading Terms
Glossary of Behavior Terms
Glossary of Transition Terms
Social Security Disability Benefits: What You Need to Know
Glosario militar para educación especial y programa militar familiar excepcional
Cuestionario de escuelas públicas
Steps to Completing a Child SSI Application
IEP: Tips for the Transition Section
Self-Determination & Self-Advocacy
Empower YOUR future: Join YOUR IEP meeting!
Turning 18 in Maryland
Maryland Statewide Individualized Education Program (IEP) Process Guide
Notificación previa por escrito
Intervener Services for Students Who Are Deafblind
Cronograma del IEP de Maryland de PPMD
Everything You Wanted to Know About Evaluations
Guidance for IEP Teams Working with Students with the Most Significant Cognitive Disabilities: Assessment and Eligibility for the Alternate Framework
Preparándose para una reunión del IEP: Hoja de trabajo para la reunión de padres
A Parent’s Guide to Frequently Asked Questions About Special Education Due Process Complaints
A Parent’s Guide to Frequently Asked Questions About Mediation
Request for Mediation and Due Process Complaint
Exceptional Family Member Program
Functional Behavior Assessment
Prior Written Notice
Utilizando las prácticas de comunicación con éxito
Promoviendo la lectura para todos los estudiantes
Divulgación de discapacidad
Entorno menos restrictivo
Notificando a los administradores escolares sobre inquietudes de acoso
Autism Waiver Fact Sheet
Plan for Your Future – Maryland PROMISE
PPMD’s Informe Anual 2023
2023 PPMD Annual Report
How to Formally Notify a School System of Discrimination and Harassment of a Person with a Disability
Ausentismo escolar y rechazo escolar
Preparándose para la reunión del IEP de su hijo
Respuestas sobre la Sección 504
Marco de Educación Alternativa
Reading is Fundamental Literacy Toolkit
Supported Decision-Making Factsheet
MSDE Technical Assistance Bulletin: Extended School Year Services
Alternate Education Framework
Paquete de herramientas de quejas de la educación especial estatal [IDEA]
What Are Public Schools Required to Do When Students with Disabilities Are Bullied?
Consejos para el regreso a clases
El papel de un educador de padres
Companion Guide to The Alternate Education Framework
What You Need To Know About Your Supplemental Security Income (SSI) When You Turn 18
Back to School Success Tips
Guide to School for Families of English Learners
Student Employment Services
Pre-Employment Transition Services for Students with Disabilities
PPMD’s State Special Education [IDEA] Complaint Toolkit
Secondary Transition – Guide 4
Understanding the IEP – Guide 3
Parental Rights – Guide 2
Special Education Process – Guide 1
Military Glossary for Special Education and Exceptional Family Military Program
Maryland IEP Form
See the most up to date Maryland Individualized Education Program (IEP) form here!
Metas inteligentes (S.M.A.R.T. IEPs)
Servicios de intervención temprana: Lista de verificación del IFSP para padres
Facilitación del Programa Educativo Individualizado (IEP)
Children Parentally-Placed in a Private School
Words to Know
Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan (English & Español)
A Parent Educator’s Role
Secondary Transition Planning Guide for Individuals with Disabilities
Servicios de intervención temprana: Las partes de un IFSP
Construyendo independencia
Successfully Using Communication Practices
Home Instruction Fact Sheet
Preparing for Your Child’s IEP Meeting
Truancy vs. School Refusal
Notifying School Administrators of Harassment Concerns
Least Restrictive Environment
Section 504 Questions Answered
Disability Disclosure
Know Your Rights: Students with ADHD
Resources for Genetics in Maryland
The New York Mid-Atlantic Caribbean Regional Genetics Network’s Maryland Team created helpful factsheets for families questioning if they should see a genetics specialist.
PPMD 2022 Annual Report
In 2022, we served over 16,000 Maryland families of children with disabilities and special healthcare needs through one-on-one assistance and training. Learn all about our successes and achievements through our 2022 Annual Report.
The Parents’ Place of Maryland – Who We Are!
Watch this short video to learn about who we are, what our mission is, and the work we do for Maryland families!
IDEA vs. Section 504
This document contains a chart that compares key components of the federal laws protecting students with disabilities.
Child Find and How to Refer – Age 3-21
This document describes the school systems’ obligation to locate, identify and evaluate children who are suspected of having a disability; ages 3-21. Local “Maryland Child Find” phone numbers are provided.
S.M.A.R.T. IEP Goals: Questions to Consider
It is important for IEP goals to be measurable, specific, realistic and attainable. This factsheet explains and provides examples of SMART IEP goals.
Transitioning Youth Initiative
This factsheet has information about the Transition Youth Initiative and how to become eligible and understand TY services and the application process.
Esta hoja informativa tiene información sobre la Iniciativa de Jóvenes en Transición y cómo ser elegible y comprender los servicios de TY y el proceso de solicitud.
Maryland Department of Health Developmental Disabilities Administration Application for Eligibility
To determine eligibility for the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) services, whether state or medicaid funded, you must complete this form. Low Intensity Support Services (LISS) do not require an application.
Transición de los servicios de intervención temprana a los servicios preescolares
Este documento explica la transición de los Servicios de intervención temprana a los Servicios preescolares. Incluye una lista de cosas para pensar y preguntarle al equipo de su hijo y un diagrama de flujo de pasos importantes.
¿Qué es ESY?
Los servicios de año escolar extendido (ESY, por sus siglas en inglés) son servicios de educación especial que se brindan cuando la escuela normalmente no está en sesión. Este documento explica los factores utilizados por el equipo del IEP para decidir si un niño necesita servicios ESY.
ReSET Family Decision Making Tool
Restarting Safe Education and Testing (ReSET) for children with medical complexity has created a decision making tool for families. This tool will help you make the best decisions for your child and family with COVID-19’s frequent changes.
The Asian Americans with Disabilities Resource Guide
The Asian Americans with Disabilities Initiative has published the first Asian Americans with Disabilities Resource Guide. This guide contains sections on advocacy, accessibility, culture, allyship, and more!
IEP Facilitation
When IEP teams think a conversation may be difficult, it may be helpful to have an independent, trained facilitator guide the process. The facilitator is an impartial person provided by MSDE through an independent agency to work with a student’s IEP team. Learn more about IEP Facilitation with this factsheet!
Preparing for an IEP Meeting: Parent Meeting Worksheet
A Worksheet to help you state your concerns and make sure they are addressed at the IEP meeting. Helps you to articulate the justification behind your concerns, capture the replies and reasons for that reply.
Maryland ABLE User’s Guide
This guide was written to help you understand Maryland ABLE. It is a resource developed by the Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council. Understand the Maryland ABLE program so you can know if it is right for you!
ADHD Facts
This fact sheet provides information about ADHD, definition, symptoms, and tips for parents.
Plain Language COVID-19 Fact Sheets
The Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council (Council) and the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) have created 7 different fact sheets about COVID-19. Fact sheet topics include: Testing, High Risk Health Conditions, Vaccines, Vaccinations at Home, Vaccines for Children Age 5-11, Monoclonal Antibody Treatment, Booster Shots.
All fact sheets are translated into multiple languages! Spanish, Russian, Korean, French, Chinese, and Amharic.

What is ESY?
Extended school year (ESY) services are special education services provided when school’s not typically in session. This document explains the factors used by the IEP team to decide if a child needs ESY services.
Transitioning from Early Intervention Services to Preschool Services
This document explains transitioning from Early Intervention Services to Preschool Services. It includes a list of things to think about and ask your child’s team and a flow chart of important steps.
Child Find and How to Refer – Age 0-3
This document describes the school systems obligation to locate, identify and evaluate children who are suspected of having a disability; age 0-3. Local Early Intervention Agency phone numbers are provided.
Cartas Modelo
Para asegurarse de que se comprendan sus solicitudes, inquietudes y / o preguntas, es importante documentarlas por escrito. PPMD tiene un nuevo recurso que los padres pueden usar para solicitudes y situaciones específicas. Utilice estas cartas de muestra como modelos cuando escriba las suyas propias.

Public School Questionnaire
Information for Military Families: You know those survey cards public schools pass out in the beginning of the year? The ones that ask you if your child is military connected? Ever wonder what those are for? Read this short Fact Sheet for more information.
How to Find Inclusive Childcare
Choosing care for your child with a disability means you have to decide which program and facility best meet your child’s needs. Finding a welcoming, educated childcare provider that cares for each child’s differences is important. Use this checklist to help you find the right fit for your child.
Self-Care Resources
Watch this PPMD webinar for helpful tips about taking care of yourself during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Use these companion tip sheets and resources.

Servicios de intervención temprana: El IFSP
Una vez que sepa que su hijo es elegible para un IFSP, es posible que tenga algunas preguntas. ¿Cómo se comienza con un IFSP? ¿Quién asiste a estas reuniones? ¿Qué puedo esperar? Siga leyendo para conocer las respuestas a estas preguntas.
Specially Designed Instruction with Maryland State Department of Education Division of Early Intervention and Special Education Services
Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) for students with disabilities is made up of unique supports and services that are included with the Individual Education Program (IEP) to enable them to access and make progress in general education. SDI may not be the same for every student. It is created to suit each student’s individual needs. Learn about SDI with this video in collaboration with the Maryland State Department of Education Division of Early Intervention and Special Education Services.
Parent’s Guide to Compensatory Education and Recovery Services
MD State Department of Education created a guide to help families understand what Compensatory Education and Recovery Services is, how the process works, and the steps that families can take if a family has questions or disagrees with the school.
Nivel actual de logros académicosy desempeño funcional (PLAAFP)
A menudo nos preguntan durante una reunión del IEP “¿Cuál es el nivel actual de su hijo? PLAAFP? ” ¿Sabes lo que significa este acrónimo? Utilice este recurso para ayudarlo a responder y contribuir a la conversación.
El qué, cómo y por qué dela toma de decisiones apoyada (Supported Decision Making-SDM)
La toma de decisiones apoyadas son apoyos y servicios que ayudan a una persona con discapacidades a tomar sus propias decisiones.
Toma de decisiones apoyada en la práctica
Ejemplos de decisiones apoyadas, cómo transición se pueden utilizar en la pratica de decisiones apoyada.
formulario para recopilar datos sobre el aprendizaje
Utilice este formulario para recopilar datos sobre el aprendizaje de su hijo durante el aprendizaje virtual / remoto / a distancia. Después de completar el formulario, debe compartirlo con el IEP o el equipo 504 de su hijo.
Recopilación de datos en casa
¿Cómo saber si su hijo está cumpliendo con las metas del IEP? ¿Cómo se pueden recopilar datos en casa? Utilice las preguntas y sugerencias adjuntas para ayudarlo.
Telehealth: What is it and Why is it Important?
Watch this webinar to learn the importance of Telehealth from PPMD and Dr. Debbie Badawi from the University of Maryland Department of Pediatrics.
Pre Employment Transition Services
Learn about Pre-Employment Transition Services from PPMD and the Maryland State Department of Education Division of Rehabilitation.
How to do an Early Intervention Referral
Watch this webinar to learn how to make an early intervention referral.
Are You Connected?
Watch this webinar to learn about data, cellular, broadband, what it means to be connected, and more you need to know as our world continues to work virtually.
PPMD 30th Anniversary Open Houses
Learn about the various services PPMD has to offer and who PPMD is based on the following categories:
- Early Childhood
- Spanish Speaking Families
- History of PPMD
- Transition
- School Age Children
Learning Occurs Naturally
Learn from PPMD’s Early Childhood team about how young children learn naturally in their environment.
Benefits of Telehealth and Telemedicine
The presence of telehealth and telemedicine is here to stay. Watch this webinar to learn about the benefits of telehealth and telemedicine on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.
Youth and Employment
Watch this webinar to learn about workforce development for your youth with disabilities and special healthcare needs.
Resources for Crisis Intervention
Watch this webinar to learn about crisis, how to move away from a crisis, and trauma.
Supplemental Security Income SSI for Young Adults
Learn the basics of Supplemental Security Income for Young Adults with this PPMD webinar.
Supported Decision-Making for People with Disabilities
Watch this webinar on Supported Decision Making for People with Disabilities is presented by Megan Rusciano, Esq. from Disability Rights Maryland. Also find related resources.
Collecting Data at Home
How do you know if your child is meeting their IEP goals? How can you collect data at home? Use the questions and suggestions attached to help you.
Building Independence
Building independence at home is possible during this time when so many are working and doing school at home. Look at these suggestions for ways to build independence at home and master some IEP goals.
IEP Checklist for Parents of Students with the Most Significant Cognitive Disabilities
Don’t know what to ask at an IEP meeting? This checklist provides some ideas for preparing for your IEP meeting to best support your child with the most significant cognitive disabilities and asking for inclusive practices.
Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance- PLAAFP
We are often asked during an IEP meeting “What is your child’s present level? PLAAFP?” Do you know what this acronym means? Use this resource to help you answer and contribute to the conversation.
Transition to Adulthood: A guide to helping you and your student
This tool will help guide families of transition age youth on next steps during transition planning by their youth’s age.
MSDE TAB Supplement to #20-09: Tips to Support Data Collection by Parents During Virtual or Hybrid Learning
Maryland State Department of Education Technical Assistance Bulletin: Tips to Support Data Collection by Parents During Virtual or Hybrid Learning
MSDE TAB Supplement to #20-09: Tips to Support Behavior & Social Emotional Well-Being During Transitions Across Service Delivery Models
Maryland State Department of Education Technical Assistance Bulletin: Tips to Support Behavior & Social Emotional Well-Being During Transitions Across Service Delivery Models
MSDE TAB Supplement to #20-09: Tips to Address Special Education Staff Shortages, Scheduling, and Logistical Challenges Across Varied Service Delivery Models
Maryland State Department of Education Technical Assistance Bulletin: Tips to Address Special Education Staff Shortages, Scheduling, and Logistical Challenges Across Varied Service Delivery Models
MSDE TAB Supplement to #20-03: Tips for Supporting Engagement of Students with Disabilities through Alternative Service Delivery Models
Maryland State Department of Education Technical Assistance Bulletin: Tips for Supporting Engagement of Students with Disabilities through Alternative Service Delivery Models
Maryland Procedural Safeguards Notice
This notice includes an explanation of parental rights for children receiving services through an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) or an Individualized Education Program (IEP).
Special Education State Complaint
See here a factsheet about the State Complaint Process, as well as a model letter for filing a state complaint and the Special Education State Complaint Form, which we have made fillable so you can fill it out on your computer.
Attached is also a document from the Maryland State Department of Education which explains their special education state complaint resolution procedures, and a parent’s guide to frequently asked questions about special education state complaints.
Below you will also find DRM’s Sample MSDE Complaint.

Self-Directed Services: A Handbook for People with Developmental Disabilities Who Are Interested in Directing their DDA Services in Maryland
A handbook for people with Developmental Disabilities who are interested in directing their DDA services in Maryland.
Beneficios de la participación familiar efectiva Para estudiantes, padres y educadores
Instrucción especialmente diseñada o Specially Designed Instruction en inglés (SDI)
SDI para un estudiante toma en consideración las necesidades únicas del estudiante e incluye instrucción intensiva, adaptaciones, ayudas y servicios suplementarios, modificaciones del programa y apoyo del personal.
Desde el 1 de julio de 2019, Maryland promulgó una ley que ayuda a los padres a prepararse y participar en las reuniones del Plan de educación individualizado (IEP) de sus hijos.
Reunión Virtuales Empesando
Este recurso es presentado por Maryland DD Council.
10 Consejos Principales Como Navegar la Educación Especial Durante COVID-19
We cannot stress enough the importance of self-care, especially in times like these. Use this fact sheet to understand the basics of self-care.
Dispute Resolution
PPMD has created this image to help you understand your available dispute resolution options.
Supported Decision Making for People with Disabilities
Watch this webinar on Supported Decision Making for People with Disabilities presented by Yetta Myrick, PPMD’s Health Information and Communications Specialist, sponsored by the Maryland Hub for Inclusive Higher Education. Also find related resources below.
History of Special Education
Do you know the history of Special Education? Use this factsheet to learn about the beginning of Special Education law to present day law.
Alphabet Soup: A Guide to Special Education Acronyms
There are lots of acronyms in the Special Education world, which can be very confusing. Use this list as a guide to understanding the meaning of Special Education acronyms.
Maryland IEP Timeline
When will your child’s IEP be developed? When should updated evaluations of your child be conducted? Find answers to your questions about the timeline of the IEP process using PPMD’s Maryland IEP Timeline.
Model Letters
To make sure your requests, concerns and/or questions are understood, it is important to document them in writing. PPMD has a new resource that parents can use for specific requests and situations. Use these samples letters as models when you write your own.

Política Escolar vs. IDEA
¡AYUDA! La escuela de mi hijo ha enviado una nueva política / procedimiento / práctica escolar y sí lo seguimos, el IEP de mi hijo no se puede implementar.
Preguntas para hacerle al equipo escolar de su hijo para obtener apoyo con las conductas
¡Todo comportamiento es comunicación! ¿El comportamiento de su hijo se interpone en su aprendizaje durante su clase virtual? Primero, infórmeselo a su equipo IEP (por escrito). A continuación, se encuentran las preguntas que puede hacer y la información que pueden necesitar para poder ayudarlo a usted y a su hijo.
Educación en el hogar, instrucción en el hogar y en el hospital, aprendizaje remoto … ¡¿Qué significan todos?!
Es importante comprender estos términos. Esta hoja informativa le ayudará a conocer las diferencias
para que pueda tomar una decisión informada para su familia.
Educación Pública Gratuitita y Apropiada (FAPE, por sus siglas en ingles)
Bajo la Ley de Educación para Individuos con Discapacidades (IDEA), las escuelas públicas
están obligadas a proporcionar a cada estudiante que tiene un Programa de Educación
Individualizado (IEP) una Educación Pública Gratuita y Apropiada (Free and Appropriate
Public Education).
Adaptaciones y modificaciones comunes en la escuela
Hay muchas formas en que los maestros pueden ayudar a los niños que tienen dificultades en la escuela. Aquí están algunas adaptaciones y modificaciones comunes que las escuelas y las familias pueden discutir como posibles opciones para los niños.
Factores especiales en el desarrollo del IEP
La Ley de Educación para Personas con Discapacidades (IDEA) enumera cinco factores especiales que el
equipo del IEP de su hijo debe considerar al desarrollar el IEP de su hijo.
Early Intervention Services: The IFSP
Once you know your child is eligible for an IFSP, you may have some questions. How do you get started on an IFSP? Who attends these meetings? What can I expect? Read on to learn the answers to these questions.
Parent IFSP Checklist
Now that your child is eligible for Early Intervention services, you will have a meeting to build the IFSP, or Individualized Family Service Plan. View this handy checklist as you plan for your IFSP meetings.
IFSP Process
Early Intervention Services are for children with disabilities ages 0-2. It begins with a parent concern about your child’s development. Read more on how this process begins and what it looks like.
The Parts of an IFSP
The IFSP document can be quite long and hard to understand. It has a lot of good information that can support your child during this time of learning and growth. This factsheet labels each section of the IFSP and tells you a little bit about what should be here. Remember, you know your child best and can work together with your team to make a great IFSP!
How to Think College
Students should use this guide to help them conduct a college search.
Student College Resource Guide
Thinking about college can be overwhelming. There are so many decisions and so many options. It can
feel like the biggest decision of your life. But it’s really just a lot of little choices. This student guide pulls
together some information that we hope will help. Remember, you have to do what’s right for you. Trust yourself!!
Benefits of Effective Family Engagement: For Students, Parents, and Educators
This factsheet provides examples of the benefits of effective family engagement in three categories: benefits for students, benefits for parents, and benefits for educators.
Health Care Transition Webinar
Watch PPMD’s Health Care Transition webinar here to learn about the process of moving a child to an adult model of health care. Be sure to check out our companion factsheet for more Health Care Transition resources.
Accommodations and Modifications
What is the difference between accommodations and modifications? Use this factsheet to better understand the differences.
Etiqueta de ZOOM
Sugerencias para el éxito del aprendizaje a distancia para los estudiantes
5 Special Factors in IEP Development
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) lists five special factors that your child’s IEP team must consider while developing your child’s IEP. Use this factsheet to learn about these five special factors.
Common Accommodations and Modifications in School
There are many ways teachers can help kids who are struggling in school. Here are some
common accommodations and modifications that schools and families can discuss as possible options for kids.
Integrated Tiered System of Supports
The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) supports using a multi-tiered or level system of supports. This gives educators the tools needed to meet the needs of ALL students. Learn about Integrated Tiered System of Supports with this factsheet.
Homeschooling, Home & Hospital Instruction, Remote Learning… What Do They All Mean?!
Understanding terms is important. Use this factsheet to understand the difference between home school, home and hospital instruction, and remote learning.
Free Appropriate Public Education
Use this factsheet to understand what it means to truly have Free and Appropriate Public Education.
School Policy vs. IDEA
School has started which means there are many policies and guidance being sent. Here is a quick one-pager to remind you of the importance of your child’s IEP.
Specially Designed Instruction Is and Is Not
Use this guide to understand what is and what isn’t Specially Designed Instruction (SDI).
Sexuality and Developmental Disabilities
Watch our webinar about Sexuality and Developmental Disabilities to learn about the importance of discussing sexuality, comprehensive sex education, sexual development, and more with your children and adolescents.
Questions to Ask Your Child’s School Team for Support with Behaviors
PPMD collaborated with TIES Center to bring you a factsheet that will help you ask questions to your child’s school team to support your child’s behaviors at home during distance learning.
Transition in Maryland – 5 Tips for Families
Its Back to School Time! During this time of COVID when so many parents are figuring out and doing a great job around virtual learning, others are also thinking about transition. Transition planning is as important as reading and math. It is important for you, as the family of a student with a disability, to actively participate and partner in the transition planning process. In this video, we will provide you with Five helpful tips for developing a strong transition plan that will help your student with disabilities achieve their greatest potential. For questions about transition please contact The Parents’ Place of Maryland at 1-800-394-5694.
School Decision-Making Tool for Parents, Caregivers, and Guardians
The CDC developed this tool to help parents, caregivers, and guardians weigh the risks and benefits of available educational options to help them make decisions about sending their child back to school.
Ditch the Clip! Why Clip Charts are NOT a PBIS Practice and What To Do Instead
Read this to learn why clip charts are inconsistent with a PBIS approach and can be harmful. This document also describes alternative strategies that are more likely to improve student behavior while promoting a safe, positive classroom.
MSDE TAB: Home and Hospital Teaching Supplement on Students with Disabilities
View the Maryland State Department of Education’s Technical Assistance Bulletin on Home and Hospital Teaching. This document answers frequently asked questions, that you may have, about about Home and Hospital Teaching.
Parent Tips for a Virtual IEP Meeting
IEP meetings will still be held despite not being able to meet in person. Read these tips on how to prepare and take part in a virtual IEP meeting.
Transition Activities for School and Home
PPMD has compiled lists of transition activities to be used by educators and families. These lists include activities related to employment, postsecondary education, independent living, and activities specific for educators. Use these lists to find activities to support your transition aged youth.
Youth Workforce Programs and Services Brochure
Use this brochure provided by the Department of Labor to learn about youth employment services and programs in your area.
Resources for the Rare Disease Community
The following fact sheet was adapted from the webinar, “A Rare Response: Addressing the COVID-19 Pandemic” sponsored by National Organization for Rare Diseases (NORD) on March 31, 2020
Financial Resources for Military Families
For a military family, the need for a financial resource can pop up when least expected. Use this resource to learn about direct services, financial support, or information and referral.
A Family Toolkit: Pediatric-to-Adult Health Care Transition
Got Transition and its National Family Health Care Transition Advisory Group developed a new toolkit for families to use during the transition from pediatric to adult health care. It includes a set of tools for youth and parents/caregivers to use to better prepare for the transition to adult care.
GOT Transition Webinar Healthcare Webinar & Companion Fact Sheet
Watch this PPMD webinar with GOT Transition for helpful resources on healthcare transition for your youth on PPMD’s YouTube channel, it includes the exciting new Health Care Transition Readiness Assessment for Students with an IEP! Use this companion fact sheet for all the helpful links.
MSDE Bulletin on Secondary Transition Services
Secondary Transition is the process of preparing students for adult life after they leave high school. Transition planning begins in Maryland at age 14 as students explore and discover what they want their post-school goals and outcomes to be through career awareness activities.
Questions to Ask When Selecting an Adult Service Provider
Ready to Select an Adult Service Provider for Your Young Adult with Disabilities?
If choosing an adult service provider or agency is part of your youth’s transition from school, you will want to be prepared with questions to ask to help you and your young adult determine which provider or agency is going to be the best suited to support his/her desired employment outcomes. Here is a list of questions that may be helpful in making this important decision!
IDEA Dispute Resolution Guides from CADRE
CADRE’s IDEA Dispute Resolution Parent Guides inform parents about their dispute resolution rights and options. These Parent Guides now have companion videos. The videos include: IEP Facilitation, Mediation, Written State Complaints, and Due Process.
CDC’s Milestone Moments Booklet
The Milestone Moments booklet includes full milestone checklists for all domains of early development. It covers ages 2 months through 5 years and matches the recommended ages for well-child visits. It includes age-appropriate activities that a parent can use at home to engage their child and encourage development.
A Guide for Transition to Adulthood
Created by the Organization for Autism Research, this guide provides information about autism and the transition to adulthood.
Navigating the Special Education System Guide
Created by the Organization for Autism Research, this special education guide is designed to give each family the information and tools needed to successfully navigate the education system anywhere in the country.
A Guide for Military Families
Created by the Organization for Autism Research, this guide is a resource for military families that have children with autism. Their purpose is to give each family the tools and access to information that it needs on its unique life journey through autism.
A Guide to Safety
Created by the Organization for Autism Research, this guide is an autism safety resource that covers a range of topics, including safety network development; prevention and management of wandering and elopement behaviors; relationship, physical, and sexual safety discussions; strategies to address bullying and online threats; and tips on money and workplace safety.
Concerned about Development: How to Get Help for Your Child Tip Sheet
CDC Tip Sheet for parents of children 0-5 who may have concerns about development.
Baby’s Busy Day-Being One is So Much Fun
Baby’s Busy Day is a CDC children’s book that helps parents learn what one-year-old milestones to look for in their baby and provides them with tips on how they can help.
Where is Bear? A Terrific Tale for 2-Year-Olds
Where is Bear? is a CDC children’s book that teaches parents developmental milestones as they read to their child. It includes milestones for two-year-olds, warning signs of delay, and tips on how parents can support their child’s development.
Amazing Me-It’s Busy Being 3!
Amazing Me is a CDC children’s book for ages 2-3 that teaches parents developmental milestones as they read to their child. It includes milestones for three-year-olds, warning signs of delay, and tips on how parents can support their child’s development.
Taking Charge of My Health Care Toolkits
This toolkit from the Oregon Office on Disability and Health is designed to provide self-advocates with the knowledge, skills and tools to learn about how to best advocate for their health and health care.
Medical ID: Guide to Use this Feature on Phones
Military Child Care in Your Neighborhood
Military Child Care in Your Neighborhood Making Quality Community Care Affordable!
Medicaid and Military Families
Children with disabilities in military families, if qualified, can get benefits from BOTH Medicaid and TRICARE. Learn about the options.
Extended Early Intervention Services
This fact sheet informs families about extending services from age 3 until kindergarten, through an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP).
What Is The 5-day Rule and How Does It Affect Me?
This resource explains Maryland’s 5-Day Rule, a law that enables parents to prepare and participate in their child’s IEP.
Formulario de denuncia de abuso, acoso e intimidación
Si desea denunciar un incidente de presunto de abuso, acoso e intimidación, este es el formulario que debes devuélvar al Director de la escuela del estudiante.
Introduccion a la Tecnologia de Asistencia
Infórmese sobre las opciones de la tecnología de asistencia (TA) que puden mejorar la independencia de personas con discapacidades.
Toolkit to Help Boost Successful Transitions for Adolescents
This toolkit offers resources for Title V programs and public health professionals to ensure that adolescents with or without special health care needs receive the services necessary to transition to adult health care.
Positive Behavior Support: Top 10 Tips for Parents
Get tips on positive behavioral support which involves strategically giving positive encouragement for desired behavior.
IEP Meeting Tips
Parents are equal members of the IEP team. Finding ways to effectively advocate for your child during IEP meetings can be difficult. These tips will help prepare you for your next meeting.
Finding Adult Providers
Looking for a healthcare provider for transition to adulthood is vital. This factsheet offers key questions to consider, and to ask, while on your search.
Maryland Assessment, Accessibility, and Accommodations Policy Manual
This policy manual outlines the process for use in the selection, administration, and evaluation of the effectiveness of instructional and assessment accommodations for students with disabilities and Section 504.
The Role of School Nurses in Transition Planning
The nurse can be a vital member of the IEP team. This short video explains their role in the development of the IEP.
MSDE Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) Process and Document Guide
This document, developed by the Maryland State Department of Education, details the Early Intervention Process for the state.
Estate Planning for Special Needs
This PPMD webinar, featuring Stephen Elville, covered basic estate planning, universal concepts about leaving assets and financial and tax planning aspects of special needs planning.
Putting it all Together Planning Financially for Special Needs
In this PPMD webinar, Eric Jorgensen dicussed ABLE accounts and Special Needs Trusts and how they can work together as well as First & Third Party Trusts.
Guardianship and Alternatives
In this PPMD webinar, guest speaker Stephen Elville discussed benefits and drawbacks of guardianship, alternatives to guardianship and the questions every family should ask before making the decision to pursue guardianship.
Maryland ABLE Informational Webinar
ABLE accounts allow individuals who receive benefits to maintain those benefits while building assets in a tax advantaged account. This session will provide an overview of the ABLE Act, a look at the features and specifications of the Maryland ABLE plan, information on treatment of account funds, and an opportunity for questions and answers.
Special Needs Trusts and ABLE Accounts
In this PPMD webinar, guest speaker Mr. Stephen Elville discussed Special Needs Trusts and ABLE Accounts, the benefits and drawbacks of both and what are the questions every family should ask before opening these accounts.
Maryland Medicaid Home and Community-Based Long Term Care Services
This guide describes the range of home and community-based services available through Medicaid and can help consumers, families, and health care professionals make informed decisions about long-term care services.
Alternatives to Guardianship Supported Decision Making
Morgan Whitlatch joined us for this PPMD webinar to discuss practical alternatives to guardianship particularly supported decision-making, a way people can make their own decisions and stay in charge of their lives, while receiving any help they need to do so.
Sign it (American Sign Language Classes Online)
Learn American Sign Language at your own pace with a fun online course taught by ASL professionals.
The Signing Time Foundation also offers a program that provides free access to this course for families with deaf or hard-of-hearing children under age three (36 months). To apply for their My Deaf Child program, parents can fill out the short application at
Family Leadership in Language and Learning Cooperative
This cooperative ensures that federally-funded EHDI programs use research-based concepts that support families and caregivers of deaf or hard of hearing babies and young children.
Hands and Voices
Hands & Voices is a non-profit, parent-driven organization dedicated to supporting families of children who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Described and Captioned Media Program
The Described and Captioned Media Program provides premium media designed for students with disabilities and leads as a resource for families and teachers, supported by the Department of Education
National Association of the Deaf
The NAD is the nation’s premier civil rights organization of, by, and for deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals in the United States of America.
American Society for Deaf Children
The American Society for Deaf Children (ASDC) is a national organization that is committed to empowering diverse families with deaf or hard of hearing children and youth by embracing full access to language-rich environments through mentoring, advocacy, resources, and collaborative networks.
Hearing and Speech Agency
The Hearing and Speech Agency leads the way as a direct service provider, information resource center, and advocate for people of all ages and incomes who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have speech-language disabilities.
Maryland School for the Deaf
The Maryland School for the Deaf is Maryland’s school for the Deaf and hard of hearing students.
Understanding the Evaluation, Eligibility, and Individualized Education Program (IEP) Process in Maryland
This document contains information to help you understand your child’s rights, your rights and responsibilities, and the school’s responsibilities to meet the needs of your child. It also contains a description of the Child Find process, information about evaluation and eligibility, and information about the IEP process.
Questions and Answers on OCR’s Complaint Process
This document will answer questions about the OCR complaint process. It includes how to file a complaint and what to include.
Frequently Asked Questions about Section 504 and the Education of Children with Disabilities
This document includes general information about Section 504 and IDEA as well as answers to some questions about this topic.
Maryland Oral Health Resource Guide
In this document you will find a list affordable dental care services organized by county for Maryland.
Maryland Health Connection
This link will take you to the Maryland Health Connection website.
Healthcare Coverage Options for Children with Special Health Care Needs in Maryland
This chart contains healthcare options for children with special needs in Maryland.
Emergency Information Form for Children With Special Needs
Here find an emergency information form that you can complete for your child in preparation for a disaster or emergency.
Emergency & Disaster Preparedness for Individuals with Disabilities and Other Special Needs
In this document find tips on what you can do to prepare for an emergency or disaster as well as how to create an emergency plan for your child with special needs.
Maryland Relay
Maryland Relay provides assistive telecommunications equipment to qualified Marylanders.
Seizure Log/ Registro de Convulsiones
This form can be used to record duration, frequency, and other details about your child’s seizures that can help in treatment.
Seizure Action Plan For School
This form helps in creating an action plan for your child with epilepsy which explains their condition and steps to follow when a seizure occurs.
Model Section 504 Plan for a Student with Epilepsy
This form contains a sample list of accommodations and services that a student with epilepsy may require while they are at school.
Individualized Seizure Action Plan/ Plan De Accion Durante Un Ataque
Here you will find form to complete your own seizure action plan for your child with epilepsy.
Care Book
In this epilepsy care book you will find important forms to ensure you have your child’s medical needs recorded.